Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Psych Critics: Internet Under the Hammer

Censorship and Persecution

This post is heavily redacted:  The full content can be found on  
Here: Waking Up Inside The Pickle Jar

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I had put my posts on blogspot in hibernation and intended to re-calibrate and repost them this year when current events snagged my attention. I thought I had been posting on a user-friendly, net neutrality internet.  I realized Globalist Brutality, not neutrality ;)  was at work.

My Experience: The Failure of Success.

I should begin by saying that my very existence makes me an 'Enemy of the State', at least the type of State we currently have.  I am not supposed to exist, I do not exist, I am stateless and civilization-less.  If I do exist it is necessary to  un-exist me. People who have  severe disorders such as I had do not get cured, they get  "recovered"  ie psychologically flattened and dependent on all knowing minders who have relieved them of their 'suffering'  and of everything else that matters.

From the first phase of being cured  my file was transferred from "permanent' to ordinary and I was kicked off social assistance  because I did not need psych meds anymore and two different psychiatrists signed  me off as "fit to hold employment and not needing "treatment" (medication).. Fine, right?  A new Start.
No. not to be. "You must have a problem considering your history". I heard these words from the Government official who refused to give me the address of the employer who had posted the job opening  on the employment wall. He dismissed the idea of some airy-fairy, "touchy feely", therapy groups as being of any importance.
The job had  been for a simple entry level factory maintenance position, something at that point I could do sleep-walking.    And I heard pronouncements in many other variations from direct walk in applications elsewhere.
And I quickly learned that to explain myself to anyone who I really was, was a disaster. No one gets cured. There is nothing even close to the paradigm of human emotional growth in the  public consciousness. Everything and the way people are is "fixed" , for what reason they don't know and no one explains it.  Whoever I told,  I simply made them suspicious  and alienated them. So I lived a life in the Phantom Zone. One self, one identity presented to the humans, one self , one identity  being the real me.  I overcame my difficulties by learning a code of silence,  my own "Omerta", I buried my past in an unmarked grave.

The Phantom Zone, anonymity, is quite comfortable To tell humans the truth about themselves, to to oppose a murderous and ruthless 100 million dollar a year Psych-Med Industry as well as their allies in Government the Cultural Marxist totalitarians is quite dangerous.


Internet's Guernica - Google, Facebook, Twitter
So everything I say, the Globalist Economic elite will consider "hate speech"  and inappropriate content for a well -ordered society. The Psychiatric Industry considers Robert Whitaker  a "menace" (That is a direct quote).  All psych activists  are a menace to Globalist Economic Supremacism..

So just when I decided to re-activate my Psych Activism, I found the world in a major crisis. It was a crisis I predicted Cassandra-like, for years. I saw it coming 15 years ago.

Where We are now:  X Marks the Spot


"X" Marks where we are now

I intend to be offensive, in fact I am coming back to go on the offensive. I am going to wage war on socially induced insanity. Previously I was censored on almost every site I published or commented I retired my Blog temporarily because of this, giving up in disgust.  I came to realize that the opposition to healthy human growth processes is universally entrenched in virtually all of society and it needs a major shakeup. I have to understand this and be no more Mr. Nice Guy.  .  What I have to say is very unique base on my unique experience in transforming from major dysfunction to weller-than-well
However, apparently it is something that even those who oppose Bio-Med Psychiatry do not want to hear. They love my posts that have glowing descriptions of states of being weller that well of what I achieved, , but when they learn of what must accompany health they reject me in horror.    My truth which is very unique is not socially acceptable.  Although people want health, they have been indoctrinated in world views, in social paradigms which ensure they will never have it. These indoctrinations must be hammered and broken.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Origin of Safe Spaces and Political Psychiatry

Safe Spaces - Not what they seem to be.
Indoctrination Bubbles.                                                   Most universities in North America have become indoctrination centers for Cultural Marxism.or even worse they produce dehumanized programmable humans. Their now salient well known political characteristics as "safe spaces" and avoiding "triggering" are to me  are obviously derived from Biomed Psychotherapeutic methodology.. Probably "micro-aggressions" and a few other key concepts are an outgrowth of this methodology as well.

Biomed Psychiatry found that it was not sufficient just to lobotomize a person emotions (relieving them of their "suffering") and impairing their cognitive judgment.  Patients have a disastrous tendency to want to become well  which accounts for one the chief reasons for  non drug compliance.The mad may be crazy but they are not stupid, they know instinctively that their their problems are not being solved.   So the BioMed Industry  needed to develop concurrent psychosocial methods to enforce behaviour control. Thus BioMed Psychiatry developed an Ideology and methodology concurrent with the actual practice of distributing drugs which main functions can be describes as to  impact negatively or restrict the functions of the prefrontal cortex.

Happy Face Fascism in Psychosocial Treatments Safe spaces are neither safe nor do they have "space" for growth.  The safe space is an indoctrination or brainwashing  bubble to keep "disruptive" influences out and to keep the subjects in while they undergo indoctrination . Modern Universities are just "psychosocial treatment" on a grander scale. Since I am a product of a successful psychotherapeutic process, long ago I easily recognized Biomed psychotherapy as anti-therapy or fake psychotherapy. It's purpose is to effect behaviour control and compliance in the medicated person.
The context is that nothing can be done for the subject's perceived emotional problem - the drug is supposed to be taking care of that. The leaders of such groups or individual treatments thus concentrate on thought induction  in the participants to effect behavior control upon the person designated as  being a debilitated or somewhat psycho-crippled person. On of the key edicts of all such groups is "Happy-Face Fascism" in which no negativity (which might be curative) is allowed to be expressed. The modern University counterpart be 'Happy Face Marxism"  or no Anti-Marxist Thought allowed and all such thought would be demonized as as the usual racism, sexism,. whatever-ism etc.
 I know all of this information from many years of sitting in on psychosocial groups and getting reports from many participants of such groups or treatments in Hospitals, social outreach programs etc. I have extensive street experience.  What I have personally complied is very extensive and not well known or understood by the general public.  
This is from the DSM-5 recommendations: 
 "psychosocial treatments are social skills training, cognitive-behavioral therapy, cognitive remediation, and social cognition training.

Psychosocial treatments are currently oriented according to the recovery model. According to this model, the goals of treatment for a person with schizophrenia are as follows:

    To have few or stable symptoms
    Not to be hospitalized

To manage his or her own funds and medications
    To be either working or in school at least half-time"

"Few or stable symptoms " means to have had the "problem" emotions removed. This formula is easily adapted to any ordinary person. In fact this formula as with University students can operate without diagnosis or psych meds . It's a formula for social control.
The word "recovery"is a misnomer or Newspeak. The 'recovery person' has not recovered to anything. They are in fact disabled or in a state of personal dsyfunction . It is more like a "Compliance Model"

In real psychotherapy of course, the psychosocial experience is quite painful and far from safe a patient volunteers for this from positive encouragement from their peers even before thy begin the process, they want pain because they want life and once they experience the process they want more of it  So of course negative experience is confronted and not avoided and there are no such thing as "triggers" only things that the patient wants so work on to advance themselves.
All of these attitudes required to even start this kind of real work have been poisoned in the modern social environment by the ever pervasive ideology of From BioMed Psychiatry. This is analogous to how the idea of what a University is supposed to be has been poisoned by  the ideologies of Cultural Marxism. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Neurosis Down the Memory Hole

"Almost no one uses the term neurosis anymore"

Someone said this to me which caused me much astonishment.

I checked Wikipedia and sure enough:

The American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has eliminated the category of "neurosis", reflecting a decision by the editors to provide descriptions of behavior as opposed to hidden psychological mechanisms as diagnostic criteria, and, according to The American Heritage Medical Dictionary, it is "no longer used in psychiatric diagnosis". These changes to the DSM have been controversial.
I was cured by a genuine psychotherapy in the late '70's . The elimination of this concept happened shortly afterwards in the 80's. Sadly almost all genuine psychotherapy has died out and this is one of the reasons. In their redefinitions of mental illness the  DSM in eliminating "neurosis", is denying all relevance and entry to the inner world of humans. Only external behavior is of importance. Without any inspection of the inner world of course there can be no inner change.

Ironically now in popular culture even those who are anti-psychiatry have been indoctrinated with these ideas which are anti-growth or anti-therapeutic.This is one of the major ideas that I wish to communicate. The platform upon which psychotherapy is founded has been corrupted. It has been corrupted thoroughly not just in academia but in mass culture, popular culture and the social indoctrinations of the family in society.
To understand health people must learn to confront  "what they know to be true" confront and be blown out of their complacency and acceptance of popular dysfunctional ideas.
The cure for introjection is to vomit out all the unprocessed ideas.
(2016 update): So to re-cap  The concept of neurosis has been memory holed because Bio-Med psychiatry has dominated and eliminated former effective psychotherapy. Concurrent with Bio-Med psychiatry has been a system of ideas designed to support their system  that system is 100 percent anti-therapeutic and so their "Talk Therapy" is in effect Anti-Therapy. But it doesn't stop  there, their ideology through their well funded propaganda machine has perpetrated and distorted the thinking of or entire society. In fact, other systems of psychotherapy which may even be "anti-psychiatry"  have been co-opted by this ideology.
Neurosis is a functional idea, the context of which is to resolve psychological problems. The context of Bio-Med Psychiatry and their associated psychotherapy now which they now refer to as "Talk Therapy" is not to solve problems. The new psychotherapy is about policing behaviour, the drugs that the patients take incapacitate their critical judgment and make the amenable to these policing methods. So of course they are only interested in diagnosis to find the label and the box in which they will permanently imprison their patients,.
Probably any idea a person has heard since 1980 about psychotherapy they probably had best throw it out or order a ton of salt.  Actually people need to evaluate ideas in terms of goals and intents. Go back to reading the literature of the 60's before psychotherapy died. Is the object to cure and resolve, yes or no?
"You can't win without a ticket."  If you don't intend to resolve a problem or condition, then you certainly won't. Someone told me they went on SSRI's for  postpartum depression. Twenty years later this emotional complex was still in suspended animation, frozen development,  due to the taking of SSRI's
Life stopped for twenty years and is still stopped. This is the Bio-Med solution.
Dr W. once said  in a group "Neurosis is unfinished business". Unfinished with mother, father etc." ... I think it's a beautiful and elegant descriptive theory. In the same way the theory of relativity is elegant.  We will always have some unfinished business but work on the major ones and the major neurosis is gone.
GONE, Cured. Resilient.
Neurosis to me, is not some abstract fuzzy concept. It means exactly what was said in that succinct sentence, it tells what is is and how to deal with it. The idea of neurosis perhaps does not cover all emotional dysfunctions. However, on the other hand I can see a way to apply the theory  so that it might. In any case
neurosis is a human common denominator.  It's a dimension in which we can look at and evaluate almost any and all human beings.Neurosis is woven into the history and civilization of Human Beings.
As far as being "hidden", I'm sure the mechanism of neurosis is hidden to a Bio-Med Psychiatrist., just as I  am  sure that what life really is is hidden from most of them.  My opinion is that most Bio-Med Psychiatrists  are suffering from Socially Induced Psychopathic Syndrome (SIPS) and they need to put that in the DSM. I mean this is the sense that psychopaths are incapable of empathy and experiencing the full  range of human emotions. (No, sympathy the common tool of manipulation, is not empathy). In this sense most Bio Med psychiatrists are afflicted with the same lack of qualities through social indoctrination and a ruthless desire for high financial and social status rewards.  Unfortunately no drug will cure this syndrome, perhaps induced poverty might alleviate their collective condition. . To people with some modicum of functional experience the mechanism of neurosis is as clear as daylight.
Psychotherapy is psychotherapy. It is not "Talk Psychotherapy" I find this latter term insulting as I experienced profound  transformation in psychotherapy.  "Talk Therapy " is anti-therapy, it is policing behavior, it is behaviorism. The emphasis on Bio-Med anti-therapy of course is just "talk" because the emotions are suppressed by the actions of the drugs on the prefrontal cortex. psychotherapy involves experiencing profound emotions, emotional pain and usually some non verbal  bioenergetics as well...far beyond just talk.
Genuine psychotherapy uses and needs functional concepts.  I advise those who are interested in actual change to dig neurosis and other lost concepts out of the memory hole.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Naqoyqatsi - New Paradigms Under Development

Naqoyqatsi - modern civilization wages repressive war on the inner life as never before. It is indoctrinated and contained in the common culture of our civilization. The common culture is dedicated to the aggressive promotion of repression and censorship of emotional development.Social indoctrination based on hierarchical social repression rules civilization. This indoctrination teaches people to destroy both themselves and others. It is no use to cut off the rotten branch of psychiatry while you are watering the tree of emotional tyranny. The indoctrinated, which is to say, the overriding majority of humans today, are lost,they have no feet on the ground, what is up is down and what they have learned to value as life is actually death. Every influence upon them , the overwhelming weight of a negative culture only further serves to crush them with darkness. .. The defense of the ego is not defense against repression by in fact is repression itself and the suppression of the inner life. Sympathy is taught as a misused tool to support repression, Sympathy is not love nor is it an mark of self-development , it can be used for any purpose. Change only comes from the courage to engage in contention, challenge and confrontation.


My writings are censored and banned across the internet, the most apparently benign sites turn out to be cornerstones of unwellness. I recently come to the realization of how deeply emotional repression and hatred of emotional freedom is indoctrinated into the entire population. What is treasured is emotional death and emotional blandness. The culture itself brings upon itself the modern scourge of mental illnesses along with its vultures, such as the psychiatrists and "government controllers that feed upon it. The fault is in the inherited culture. To simply attack psychiatry without curing oneself of the disease that produces it is absurd. The simplest emotion such as anger terrifies and confuses the population. Both psychiatrists and parents would rather their charges were mentally ill rather than be angry or live a life with anger. But is is something beyond acceptance of the negative that is needed for civilization - what is needed is confrontation and change in the public arena. Every negative process that goes unchallenged and unexamined in the public sphere goes on to infect the entirety and ends in death, destruction and madness for many. The status quo is death, anything that maintains the status quo is negative.


Through a long process of confrontations with internet groups, I have broadened my social understanding I have come to a new understanding of how mental illness, anti-growth process has been indoctrinated into the entire population. My understanding of the depth of this monstrosity, or mass destructive neurosis up to now has been pathetically naive and small. The inside obviously reflects the outside of civilization and has been a process of evolutionary struggle for many centuries. Mental illness in it's simplest definition is the result of externalized social oppression. Our technological society today has resulted in the the worst repression in a tyrannical, hierarchical system and indoctrinated mind control than civilization has ever been to date. For any individual to overcome this, they must renounce and denounce this entire system in the strongest possible way. To do that , they must first see it. This is a difficult task , it as the fish swimming in water must become aware of what water is - this can only occur by finding out what it is like to be without it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Contact Me

The privacy of all email addresses and communications will be respected.

I am especially interested in making contact with anyone else who has a similar story or experience to mine i.e. someone who has changed from a level of extreme mental dysfunction to one of high integration and resilience

Skybluecure (..on..)
(Corrected 2016/08/04)